Saturday, February 9, 2013

Danfoss Calendar 2013

When Danfoss asked us to design their calendar we thought of played around their tagline 'making modern living possible'.  Hence, we dedicated each month to one famous personality who made the impossible possible through their hard work and dedication. For the month of December, we replaced the image with a mirror to  dedicate it to the recipient. 

Print ADs

VLT drives help you save energy and the environment. And here we tried giving a human touch to them. 

Danfoss WOW Card

'WOW' or 'What Outstanding Work' card is a token of appreciation for your colleague's wow efforts and cooperation. Here we made some teasers to announce the launch by bringing them some situations that will make you say WOW!

Teaser 1

Teaser 2

 Teaser 3            


Cardia Olive Oil

World Energy Conservation Day


Danfoss wanted us to design an invitation for their annual 'Partner Conference' event and we thought of giving it a bit of filmy flavour. 

When it is the inauguration of a Cold Chain Centre and the guest is YOU. We thought of giving it your refreshing feel.